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Integrated Professional Assistant for Development (IPAD) for founded with a common idea of “together we can do more to lead the change in the society”.

IPAD has committed to the values of the working domain i.e. Social Justice – Education, Gender and Labour Rights.  We believe that Social Justice is the most reliable foundation for the empowerment of the marginalized communities. Promoting Social Justice is the core mission of the IPAD. For genuine sustainable development in society social balance is significant.

The main area of work includes –

More than half of children and adolescents are not meeting minimum proficiency standards in reading and writing. A collective effort is needed to improve the quality of education. Integrated Professional Assistant for Development (IPAD) interventions with support for the empowerment of children and youth people to reduce disparities in education along the lines Gender, urban-rural location and other dimensions.

Gender Equality
IPAD promotes gender equality and wants to build a bridge in a gap; that is, full and effective participation and equal opportunities to women’s for leadership at all levels. Such as Education, decision making in political, economic and public life.

Labour Rights
Our Action in the form of activities promotes labour rights because labour rights are Human Rights. Promoting Decent Work for all and reduce gender inequality in any form.


To contribute the local communities of the society for their empowerment and self-reliance. We work in collaboration with the communities we serve    to end poverty and hunger. Our programs supports in grass-root level followed by mentorship and promote human rights to build a strong community in society. For better tomorrow, IPAD imagines future possibility through large scale impact. As a think-tank, we focus on empowerment of people and work for development initiatives in the field of poverty, livelihood, education, gender equality, labour rights, social protection and rural development etc. in their communities.


To create a society where an individual has the opportunity to quality education, equal participation in society and integrated development.

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